send news release today

Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack Meets with NAFB

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFB Meets Ag Secretary VilsackThis morning U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack met with attendees of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Washington Watch. As is a “tradition” now, he posed with us in the USDA office building. He then spent quite a while talking with us and answering questions. You can find more photos in my online photo album.

Secretary of Agriculture Tom VilsackOf course the focus of his opening remarks and first few questions was on the farm bill and the versions in both the House and Senate. He seems to favor the Senate version and you’ll hear his reasons during the session. I think he was very relaxed and willing to answer all questions during what must be a busy time as new legislation is being debated this week.

There is a lot of good stuff in here but I don’t have time to try to summarize it all. The Secretary addresses not only the farm bill but COOL, APHIS decision on 2-4-d/Dicamba tolerant traits and interestingly, public/private sector partnerships/investments.

Please feel free to download, listen and share: Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack Mtg. with NAFB

2013 NAFB Washington Watch Photo Album

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