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USFRA Ag Day Educational Session

Chuck Zimmerman

USFRA Katie Pratt Ag DayThis morning the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance celebrated the 40th anniversary of National Agriculture Day with a breakfast on Capitol Hill and educational briefing on “The New Language of Food and Modern Agriculture.” More than 150 people — including Ag Day participants, members of the food industry, and Congressional staff — joined USFRA at the event to hear about new research on the relevance of modern agriculture and encourage sharing of personal stories of continual improvement on the farm and ranch. Our moderator was Chris Galen.

“On Ag Day, when we traditionally celebrate America’s farmers and ranchers, we wanted to use this opportunity to share some new research we have on the language of food and new perspective on agriculture,” Chris Galen, USFRA board member and Senior Vice President of Communications for the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), said.

“I think it is also fitting to be in this location, the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, home of the historic National Woman’s Party, that we have two female farmers here with us today. What a nice reflection of the diversity of modern agriculture,” he said.

We also had Katie Pratt (pictured at podium), USFRA Face of Farming and Ranching, share her farm story and talk about the importance of farmers and ranchers to share their personal stories. “This Ag Day – and every day – I encourage farmers and ranchers from across the country to be active, share their personal stories, and answer questions from their community about how food is grown and raised,” she said. Katie also live tweeted the event @USFRA. I have an interview with Katie to share with you later.

Also on the program was Erika Bowser-Poppelreiter, a Midwest farmer and farming/ranching expert with Ketchum. Erika presented the briefing, focusing on consumer messaging research and how the agriculture industry can work to restore relevance. The event featured a new perspective on food culture today led by farmers and ranchers.

You can listen to or download the education session here: USFRA Ag Day Educational Session

You might enjoy reading an editorial in today’s The Hill Congress Blog by USFRA Chairman, Bob Stallman, AFBF.

2013 National Ag Day Activities Photo Album

Coverage of the National AgDay Activities is sponsored by the BCS think tank and American Seed Trade Association
Ag Day, Ag Groups, Audio, USFRA