Just how important is it to plant seeds precisely as you’d like to? Very important. That’s why New Holland has come out with a new series of disk drills.
Whether seeding into summerfallow or stubble, New Holland’s new P2000 Series disk drills slice through crop residue to ensure precise, uniform seed placement with very low soil disturbance. Both the new P2080 disk drill (with tow-between or tow-behind air cart) and P2085 disk drill (with a mounted seed tank), offer exceptional seed placement accuracy.
Sheldon Gerspacher, New Holland Seeding Products Marketing Manager, is seen here with the P2080 on display at Commodity Classic. He says these new disk drills allow a farmer to place the seed at the exact depth and down pressure they choose to ensure quick seedling emergence. He also says that through their customer driven design process they learned what features a farmer wants before they ever started manufacturing the product.
Listen to my interview with Sheldon here to learn about more of the features of these new products: Interview with Sheldon Gerspacher
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