2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Meet NCBA President-Elect Scott George

Jamie Johansen

cic-13-scott george-photoDuring the second general session at the 2013 Cattle Industry Convention, NCBA President-Elect, Scott George, made a huge product announcement for Apple. Keeping up with the pirate themed event, Scott introduced the iPatch and the trend is quickly catching on.

The passing of the gavel takes place tomorrow as current NCBA President J.D. Alexander hands over the reins to Scott George, a Wyoming beef cow/calf producer and dairy farmer. I met up with Scott this morning as he shared what he hopes to accomplish in the upcoming year.

“There are a variety of things that are very important for our membership. One of the biggest is the Farm Bill. We really need to get it passed through Congress so the farmers have some certainty and they can make their planting, planning, harvesting and marketing decions. And there is just a lot of uncertainty when we don’t have that.”

Check out my complete interview with the Scott: Interview with Scott George

You can find photos from the event here:Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show Photo Album

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Farm Bill, NCBA