2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Centuries of Cattle Ranching Captured

Jamie Johansen

cic-13-208-editedThe Florida Cattlemen’s Association has welcomed cattlemen and women from across the country this week at the 2013 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show with warm sunshine and a great sense of hospitality.

Florida is celebrating 500 years of agriculture and beef production has a rich history here in the Sunshine State. The Florida Cattlemen’s Foundation has created a book called “Florida Cattle Ranching – Five Centuries of Tradition” to bring tribute to the hard working men and women of Florida’s beef industry.

The 128-page book contains the entire content of the multi-media museum exhibit in book form. It is stock full of over 200 photos sharing Florida’s cattle ranching heritage from the 16th century to the present.

I spoke with Wade Grigsby, Past President of the Florida Cattlemen’s Association, and he was excited to share his rich history in the beef industry and dedication to Florida agriculture.

Check out my complete interview with the Wade: Interview with Wade Grigsby

You can find photos from the event here:Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show Photo Album

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Livestock, NCBA