RFA Ethanol Podcast

General Wesley Clark Addresses Custom Harvesters

Chuck Zimmerman

Growth Energy General Wesley Clark AG CONNECT ExpoAt today’s U.S. Custom Harvesters luncheon, sponsored by New Holland, retired General Wesley Clark took the stage. Gen. Clark says his passion was the military and now his passion is national energy security and the move away from dependence on foreign oil. I have recorded his remarks for you to listen to or share below. Gen. Clark is the co-chairman of Growth Energy.

The U.S Custom Harvesters conference is taking place co-located with the 2013 AG CONNECT Expo in Kansas City, MO.

You can listen to or download General Clark’s remarks here: General Wesley Clark Remarks

2013 AG CONNECT Expo Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, New Holland