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2012 National Corn Yield Contest Winners

Melissa Sandfort

ncyc-logo-color-350-127Advanced production techniques, informed growing practices and improved seed varieties helped corn growers achieve high yields in the National Corn Growers Association 2012 National Corn Yield Contest. Despite a severe drought that plagued most of the Corn Belt, entrants continued to far surpass the national average corn yield, even doubling it in some circumstances.

The National Corn Yield Contest is in its 48th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members. With 8,262 entries, the 2012 NCGA National Corn Yield Contest neared the participation record set last year of 8,425 entries. Notably, 2012 still marks a dramatic trend toward higher entry rates, far surpassing the previous entry record set in 2010 of 7,125 entries.

The 18 winners in six production categories had verified yields averaging more than 316.3222 bushels per acre, compared to the projected national average of 122.3 bushels per acre in 2012. Notably, while the national average declined significantly from a projection of 146.7 bushels per acre at this time in 2011, the contest average rose by more than three bushels per acre. While there is no overall contest winner, yields from first, second and third place farmers overall production categories topped out at 384.3609.

The national and state contest winners will be honored at the 2013 Commodity Classic in Kissimmee, Fla. Feb. 28 – March 2. Contest winners will also be featured in a special edition of Progressive Farmer magazine.

Click here for the complete list of National winners.

Agribusiness, Corn, NCGA