Here’s Bruce Trautman, a Nebraska farmer and Monsanto Ground Breaker.
This season, Monsanto will be piloting the Ground Breakers program with its new drought-tolerant corn system, Genuity® DroughtGard™ Hybrids. Approximately 250 growers throughout the Western Great Plains region including South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado will have the opportunity to plant Genuity® DroughtGard™ Hybrids on their farm.
Through Monsanto’s Ground Breakers program, growers will be evaluating new hybrids with the drought trait, as well as hybrids with drought-tolerant germplasm derived from Monsanto’s breeding program. Genuity® VT Double PRO®, Genuity® VT Triple PRO® and Roundup Ready 2 Technology will serve as the agronomic trait platform for the drought-tolerance trait.
So Bruce was one of the ground breaking farmers and attended the NAFB convention to talk with farm broadcasters. He says Monsanto gave him the seeds for a hybrid plot with fourteen varieties. Those included Genuity DroughtGard seeds that performed 5-6 bushels better, very important during a drought year! He says this effort allowed him to see side-by-side comparisons right there on his farm and has helped him make better buying decisions for next year.
You can listen to my interview with Bruce here: Interview with Bruce Trautman