RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAMA Board Meeting

Chuck Zimmerman

The board of the National Agri-Marketing Association is hard at work prior to the NAMA Fall Conference. We’ve got good attendance and are getting reports from all our chapters as well as conducting the business of the association.

One of those items of business is the election of new officers and executive committee members for 2013. That has been done and here’s the slate:

President – Paul Redhage (Gateway Chapter/FMC Agricultural Products)
President-Elect – Kenna Rathai (Chicago Chapter/Kenna B. Rathai Communications)
Secretary/Treasurer – Marvin Kokes (Rocky Mountain Chapter/NCBA)
Vice President – Sheri Segar (Chicago Chapter/DTN/The Progressive Farmer)
Vice President – Amy Bugg (MoKan Chapter/AdFarm)

I’ll be posting a report on how this new Fall Conference has come together. It’s my understanding that we have significantly higher attendance than the last Fall Trends in Agriculture conference.

I’ve got a photo album started which you can find here: 2012 NAMA Fall Conference Photo Album

Ag Groups, NAMA