2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2012 NAMA Passing of the Gavel

Chuck Zimmerman

The NAMA Fall Conference is all about celebrating leadership. We got a dose of that this afternoon when we had the passing of the gavel from 2012 NAMA President, Beth Burgy, Broadhead, when she passed the gavel to 2013 NAMA President, Paul Redhage, FMC. Paul will actually take the reins in January but this new conference offered a great opportunity to showcase the transition. Paul welcomed all the “leaders” attending the new NAMA Fall Conference and recognized the new leaders and committee members who put together this new conference format. He says that if you wonder where the Fall Conference will be just look to whoever is President that year. Since Paul lives near St. Louis as a Gateway Chapter member it will be in St. Louis in 2013.

After the passing of the gavel it was Paul’s turn to present Beth with a commemorative award for her term of service as President. I spoke with Beth about being President. She says that her whole career has been tied to her involvement with NAMA and she still hasn’t processed the fact that she has just served as the organization’s President. Congratulations to Beth for a great year as NAMA continues to grow.

You can listen to my interview with Beth here: Interview with Beth Burgy

2012 NAMA Fall Conference Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, NAMA