RFA Ethanol Podcast

Agvocacy 2.0 Conference Underway

Chuck Zimmerman

A passionate and powerful group of agvocates are doing their best to shut down the wifi connection at the Kansas City Crowne Plaza Hotel! It’s Agvocacy 2.0 Conference time. I just joined the conference this afternoon and have some photos in the process of uploading now. Jamie Johansen is also attending the conference and between us we’ll collect a lot of photos and some interesting interviews to share.

Today the sessions have been focusing on telling our story beyond the choir. I know there has been some concern about farmers being able to reach out to non farmers with social media to tell their story. We have lots of good examples here from attendees to presenters who are showing how that is possible.

I’ll add a link to our photo album from the conference as soon as I can.

Post Update:

Here’s where our photos can be found. More added all the time. 2012 Agvocacy 2.0 Conference Photo Album
