2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

International FarmSight

Chuck Zimmerman

Attendees at the International Conference on Precision Agriculture got the full overview of the John Deere FarmSight strategy from Mark Stelford who does Solutions Marketing in the Intelligent Solutions Group. I visited with Mark afterward.

Mark says that when you look at some of the megatrends in agriculture and outside the industry like demand for food, fiber and fuel between now and 2050 it has really helped John Deere understand what the company needs to do to help drive efficiencies to the producer. So FarmSight is the strategy that helps drive them to the products they are creating. Those are driven by three pillars that include machine optimization, logistics optimization and agronomic decision support. In his comments here Mark says he emphasized John Deere sitting at the table with other companies via AgGateway to create data standards to increase the efficiency of data movement.

Listen to my interview with Mark here: Interview with Mark Stelford

11th International Conference on Precision Agriculture Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the International Conference on Precision Agriculture is sponsored by John Deere
Ag Groups, Agribusiness, John Deere, Precision Agriculture