GROWMARK Recognized for Communicators’ Works

John Davis

We’ve had the pleasure of helping our friends at GROWMARK tell their story right here on this blog, and now, several of the company’s employees who also tell that story have been recognized by the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) Institute, recently held in Tucson, Arizona. This company press release has details.

First place honors went to Cassie Becker, corporate communications associate, in the photo illustration category.

Second place was earned by Becker in the miscellaneous category for the Gold Rush parody video and Karen Jones, publications and news specialist, and Karen Higgins, graphic designer, in the brochures and pamphlets category.

Third place went to Becker in the promotional video category, Jones and Julie Fontana, graphic designer, in the annual report category, and Jones in the featurette category.

Honorable mention was awarded to Heather Thompson, electronic communications specialist, in the cooperative education category.

Congratulations to our friends at GROWMARK!