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Ethanol Rocks

Chuck Zimmerman

Okay, I think most of us will agree that a little ethanol on the rocks, rocks. Sorry, couldn’t help it :). Ethanol Rocks is actually a National Corn Growers Association video contest.

NCGA is conducting a nationwide competition to promote the advantages of ethanol in motor vehicles. The NCGA “Ethanol Rocks” Video Contest invites high school and college students to produce a promotional video that highlights the benefits of this fuel. NCGA acknowledges the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association for sharing its success with the “Fuel the Future” video competition.


Active high school (grades 9-12) and college students, individually or collectively, are eligible to submit entries. One $1,500 first place award and one $500 second place award will be issued in both the high school and the college level categories. Each award will be issued as one lump-sum payment, i.e., no multiple distributions of winnings. Students from all scholastic backgrounds/majors are eligible to enter, individually or through organizations, e.g., A/V classes, Ag Clubs, FFA, Science Clubs, Art Classes. Appropriate tax on the awards will be the responsibility of the winners.

Get more information here and entry form/rules here.

Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA