RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Holland MegaCutter at Mega Media Event

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the new offerings from New Holland featured at last week’s Mega Media event was the MegaCutter™.

We already heard about this new mounted triple disc mower-conditioner when it debuted at the National Farm Machinery Show in February, but we got another look last week in more detail with the help of New Holland Hay and Forage Segment Marketing Manager Mike Cornman.

Mike says the MegaCutter was designed for the professional customer looking for more capacity and more productivity. “It will provide 30 foot width of cut at one time with a T7 or T8 series New Holland tractor equipped with a front three point hitch and PTO,” he said. “We have a good customer base with our self-propelled forage harvesters and this is the type of machine that those customers are looking at.”

New Holland is holding a “Ready to Roll” sales event happening right now through June 30. The event includes various incentives for all of New Holland’s hay and forage products. “In addition, there’s also a demonstration program that many of our dealers participate in,” Mike adds. “It’s an opportunity for new customers to try a mid-range tractor, round baler, or a disc mower conditioner on their farm as part of their buying decision.”

Listen to my interview with Mike here and watch a very short video clip with him below:
Mike Cornman Interview

New Holland Media Event album

Audio, Equipment, Hay, New Holland, Video