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Five Years of Tweets

Chuck Zimmerman

It has been five years since I started my Twitter account – @AgriBlogger. My how time and tweets fly. I’m currently at 12,099 tweets but I’m sure that will increase by the time you read this even. My current tweet average is 6.6 times per day.

I wondered what my first tweet was but have no idea and gave up trying to find out after spending some time trying. None of the services I tried would find that first tweet. Twitter hasn’t made archives available to search like I’d like that I know of. Kind of makes sense when you think about how many tweets there are at this point. I believe the maximum number of tweets Twitter archives via it’s API is 3,200. That would only take me back to 2010!

I don’t have enough time to create a comprehensive list of things you should or shouldn’t do on Twitter but here are a few that come to mind right now.


Test any link you put in your tweet first. Very irritating to click and nothing happens.
Tweet at least once what the hashtag you’ll be using a lot means.
Read your tweet before you publish it. Does it make sense? Spelling issues? Know what I mean?

Don’t Do

Tweet, “Must read . . . ” Turns me off and no, I don’t think I “must” read whatever it is.
Tweet, “Very excited to . . . ” Kind of like press releases that say it.
Ignore @replies, especially if they ask a reasonable question. Same for DM’s.
Tweet every feeling you have in a day. Some okay, all of them, not.
Assume everyone following you reads all your tweets.

Social Networking