Four feet tall. Do you think my flowers will grow to be 4-feet tall in this old ice cream pail? It was the only package of flower seeds I had around when I found myself in need of an activity to entertain four children under the age of 10 and three of them were girls. So we dug in the dirt (a favorite activity for my son) and planted flowers.
They’re cosmos flowers and really supposed to be outside, but it was the middle of February and 60 degrees so we couldn’t resist. Actually, I think I tricked the four kids into an activity just to fulfill my desire to start doing outside gardening activities just a bit early.
That said, if these flowers grow to be 4-feet tall in an old ice cream bucket inside on my dinner table, we’re in trouble.
The older girls were excited to see the flowers spouting. For my son, the experience was short-lived and as soon as the trowels were cleaned off and put away, he was on to the next project. Maybe if I can keep them alive, I can transplant them outside when all signs of frost are gone.
Until we walk again …