RFA Ethanol Podcast

Pioneer Sees Strong 2011 Results for Plenish Soybeans

Cindy Zimmerman

Dupont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred is reporting strong seed performance for Plenish high oleic soybean varieties despite challenging growing conditions in 2011.

Pioneer Plenish“I’ve had great success with Plenish high oleic soybeans,” said John Motter, director, United Soybean Board and chair of the Ohio Soybean Council. “During this year’s harvest my Plenish soybeans yielded higher than my overall farm average at 55 bushels an acre, and agronomic performance was outstanding.”

Pioneer launched the high oleic soybean trait in its industry-leading lineup of Pioneer® brand Y Series soybean varieties, with key defensive and agronomic traits such as soybean cyst nematode resistance, phytophthora and sudden death syndrome tolerance, and excellent field emergence and harvest standability.

Pioneer will continue to work closely with growers who are trained in growing specialty crops under identity preserved conditions in targeted geographies based on processor collaboration to produce Plenish high oleic soybeans for continued product testing. Pioneer currently is collaborating with ADM in central Indiana, Bunge in northwest Ohio and Zeeland Farm Services in Michigan on contract production programs to produce Plenish high oleic soybeans in 2012.

Pioneer, Soybean