2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Evening Colors

Melissa Sandfort

Learning your directions – is it innate or is it something you can truly learn. Some people just aren’t born with a good sense of direction. To highlight this, I have to tell a story of my mother, who on family vacation, was reading the AAA Trip Tick and said we’d be at the ocean in 20 minutes. Forty minutes later, no ocean. We’d gone 20 miles the wrong way and all the while, she thought she was following the highlighted line. She was banned from map-reading from then on.

I have always had an uncanny sense of direction. I can step off an airplane in any city and pretty much find my way. Like my internal mapping feature is always on.

I had to look at this picture to see if the sun was coming up or setting based on where the barn is in location to our house to know this was an evening photo. Now I’m giving away the fact that I have a short-term memory because I just took this less than a week ago.

But during a time of cold weather and bland landscape colors, the warmth of the sun on this leafless tree coupled with the dark red hues in the background made this winter day feel just a bit warmer.

Until we walk again …
