2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Picture This

Melissa Sandfort

I’ve been sifting back through my memory, trying to figure out when in my lifetime I would’ve done this little game – and where I would’ve seen it. It was a close-up picture of something – extreme close-up – and you had to identify the photo subject. It could be a beehive, a strawberry or a button, but you had to really be creative to figure out what the bigger picture was. Do you remember those?

Driving down the highway the other day in farm country, I snapped this picture with my cell phone. I’m surprised it turned out this good going 65 mph … oops, I may have just given it away.

Can you guess what it is? Hint: it’s very common in big beef states like Nebraska.

It’s the side of a cattle truck.

I wonder how many cattle trucks New Yorkers have seen and yet for me, it’s at least a once-a-day occurrence.

Until we walk again …
