send news release today

Black and Blue

Melissa Sandfort

I’ll spare you the details. Let’s just say black kitty had a bout with my husband’s truck. May have been a fan belt, may have been the motor, we’re not really sure. But we found two large tufts of fur laying in the driveway and a black kitty missing the back 2/3 of her tail. Well, the fur anyway.

She was making quite a mess around the house. I spent the better part of an hour on my hands and knees scrubbing the cement with Clorox water to remove the blood stains and we knew we had to do something to help.

So we played veterinarian for a day.

I flopped her on her side and grabbed her legs. It probably looked like I was calf-tying her. She didn’t put up much of a fight to my surprise. My husband then wrapped gauze around her tail, followed by blue electrical tape. It was either a black and blue kitty or a Halloween kitty (his second color choice was orange tape). Given the time of year, we should’ve picked orange.

She seems to be fine and leaving the tape alone. But it’s a sad, sad sight to see this kitty and I think she’s embarrassed because she’s hiding in the trees out front. Hopefully she’ll heal and we’ll see if the fur grows back.

Farm cats. Gotta love ‘em.

Until we walk again …
