RFA Ethanol Podcast

USDA-NASS Proposes Program Changes

Cindy Zimmerman

It would be nice to see all government agencies take a look at some programs that might be able to be cut to save tax dollars, like USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service has done.

In light of funding reductions in fiscal year (FY) 2011 and the likelihood of additional reductions in FY 2012, NASS conducted deliberate reviews of all programs against mission- and user-based criteria, aimed at finding cost savings and forward-thinking business efficiencies so that key timely, accurate and useful data remains available in service to agriculture. As a result, the agency is discontinuing or reducing a wide range of agricultural survey programs. The decision to eliminate or reduce these reports was not made lightly, but it was nevertheless necessary, given the funding situation. Because of the timing of the agency’s survey work during the coming year, these decisions are necessary now.

Reports which will be eliminated include Annual Reports on Farm Numbers, Land in Farms and Livestock Operations; Catfish and Trout Reports; Annual Floriculture Report; January Sheep and Goat Report; July Cattle Report; Annual Bee and Honey Report; Annual Hops Production report; Annual Mink report (didn’t even know we had one!); Nursery report; June and September Rice stocks report. Other reports – including chemical use, monthly potato stocks and fruit and vegetable forecasts – will be reduced in frequency. The Distiller Co-Products for Feed Survey would be canceled.

NASS plans to make similar data included in these reports either less frequently or within the every 5-year Census of Agriculture. The next census will be conducted beginning January 2013 to reflect activities in the 2012 calendar year. A Federal Register notice announcing the program changes will be forthcoming.

Some people will no doubt be unhappy with the proposed changes, but it certainly seems like most of these reports can easily be eliminated or reduced without too much angst. I bet with a little effort, even more could be cut.