RFA Ethanol Podcast

Iowa Teams Defend Corn Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

The Iowa Cy-Hawk trophy trash-talking got to be too much for the two college teams to take when people were dissing the corn growers.

At a press conference on Tuesday announcing that the controversial corn-themed trophy will get a do-over, representatives from both the University of Iowa and Iowa State spoke up in defense of the Iowa Corn Growers, who had been taking the brunt of the heat from upset fans and the media. “Iowa Corn has shouldered most of the burden of the criticism … That story is not being told correctly,” said Iowa associate athletic director Rick Klatt, adding that Iowa corn represents “more than 6500 Iowans who help feed the world and share our commitment to hard work, dedication, determination and team work.” Steve Malchow of ISU noted that “Iowa Corn didn’t ask to change the trophy when they signed on.”

Iowa Corn CEO Craig Floss said the trophy will be re-designed with input from the fans. “When we signed on as a sponsor of the Cy-Hawk Series earlier this year, we did so because we know how passionate people are about this rivalry. We wanted to be part of that passion,” he said. “We heard loud and clear that people want a different trophy for the football game. A new Cy-Hawk football trophy will truly be the fans’ trophy.”

What will happen to the trophy featuring a farm family celebrating their harvest has yet to be decided, but Craig says it definitely “won’t be on the sidelines” at the upcoming Iowa-Iowa State football game on September 10. An interim trophy will be awarded at that game as the new one is being developed.

Watch the press conference video or listen to the audio here: Iowa Corn Trophy Presser

Audio, Corn