RFA Ethanol Podcast

Ag Media Summit Professional Development

Chuck Zimmerman

The Ag Media Summit is all about professional improvement for both students and professionals. I wish I could have interviewed all of our session leaders but that’s not possible for one agriblogger. However, I did get some interviews conducted.

One of our presenters was Brandon Souza, AdFarm. He spoke to students about finding the best fit for your first job. He recommended they find out early what they want to do, hone those skill sets and talk with people in the industry. He spoke to professionals about social media etiquette. He pointed out that everything is public in social media. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but he recommends defining what you want to get out of social media.

You can listen to my conversation with Brandon here: Brandon Souza Interview

2011 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by BASF and AgHaven
Ag Media Summit, Audio