RFA Ethanol Podcast

Wyffels Announces 2012 Iowa Corn Strategies Location

Chuck Zimmerman

Wyffels Hybrids showed their appreciation to the Cummmings family for making their farm available once again for the 2011 Corn Strategies in Iowa. Pictured is the Cummings family with Marty Cummings receiving a very nice award from Bill Wyffels, Jr., company president. Marty was asked how long the family has been planting Wyffels products and what he likes about the company. Although he couldn’t remember how many years they’ve been using Wyffels products he said, “Of all the companies we’ve done business with, the President (Bill) came out personally to see what he could do to make it (their farm) more profitable. I thought that was pretty good for a President to come out.”

You can listen to Marty’s comments here: Marty Cummings Comments

Wyffels also announced that the location of next year’s Corn Strategies will be in a new location. I spoke with Matt Barnard to get a wrap-up of this year’s event. He says that as soon as they leave this location they’ll start on next year’s event. It will be held at Harmon Farms in Vincent, Iowa.

You can listen to my interview with Matt here: Matt Barnard Interview

Wyffels Hybrids Corn Strategies 2011 Iowa Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Seed