2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Life’s Tools

Melissa Sandfort

There’s a pile of old tools sitting in the shed and they look a little bit like this. Included are wrenches, tire irons, scissors – and that’s just the top layer! This collection got me to thinking about other life tools necessary to build a family, a career and relationships within our communities. I wanted to share my short list, along with some examples from my own life:

Patience – When my 2 ½ year old wants to stop to empty his bladder on every fencepost between our house and the babysitter’s house, I remind myself that it’s new and exciting and he’s proud of himself.

Love – for the land, the animals and the people around us.

Faith – a firm foundation that He has a purpose in life for us and that we’re all meant to influence and impact each other, no matter how small the gesture.

Understanding – Miscommunication can be damaging. Communicate often and clearly and I’ve learned that if I don’t understand, just listen. (What’s the saying? I’m from Venus?)

Humility – With an English/Communications background, I’m used to red ink but I can’t hit backspace in life. A friend said last week, “If I’m going to eat my words, I’d like them to be soft.” Use soft words.

Patience – I’m still working on this one, that’s why it’s on the list twice.

Humor – My husband took my son for a tractor ride…on his lawn tractor that’s for ages 3+ and daddy was driving.

Happiness – A husband who appreciates my cooking. Clean laundry. Our closest neighbors are ½ mile away.

This list is just a start. I hope my pile of “tools” will still be around in 100 years via my son. And even though they may be a bit rusty, if he blows off the dust he will see that these are an absolute “must have” in this life.

What does your pile of tools look like?

Until we walk again …
