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Stage is Set for Wyffels Corn Strategies 2011

Cindy Zimmerman

wyffels corn strategies illinoisThe stage is set for the Wyffels Corn Strategies 2011 in Dixon, Illinois.

The official event gets underway bright and early on Wednesday morning, but the pre-event kicked it off Tuesday evening at the Pratt Family Farms. The festivities included a delicious steak dinner, homemade ice cream, an opportunity to hear from some of the event partners, and the recording of a segment for this weekend’s U.S. Farm Report with John Phipps. Even though the evening started with a good downpour after everyone got into the tent, by the time it was all over there was a rainbow and a beautiful sunset! Got some nice photos in the photo album already.

I had a chance to visit with Wyffels Hybrids president Bill Wyffels Jr. about the company that was started by his father in the 1940s. “He started experimenting with seed oats and from experimentation with oats and being successful, evolved into hybrid corn,” he told me.

Bill says they are very proud of the people who make up the Wyffels team and they enjoy hosting the Corn Strategies sessions each year for producers in Illinois and Iowa. “This is really a learning day and it’s a chance for us really to give back and bring some of the best minds in agriculture all in one place,” he said.

Listen to or download my interview with Bill here: Bill Wyffels Jr.

Wyffels Corn Strategies 2011 Illinois Photo Album

Audio, Corn