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NCGA’s Tolman Receives FEW High Octane Award

Chuck Zimmerman

I am attending the 2011 Fuel Ethanol Workshop which is being held in Indianapolis, IN. It’s the “technical” conference for the industry where lots of the latest in technology and processes are presented in multiple, simultaneous workshops. This morning it was also where the 2011 FEW High Octane Award was presented.

Receiving the award is Rick Tolman, CEO, National Corn Growers Association. The award was presented by Tom Bryan, BBI International. Rick made a few comments about working in support of the industry. He says there are three main reasons for why he does it. First, it’s the economy, to take some of the money that’s going overseas and invest it in rural America. Then it’s the environment, trying to bring the reality of a clean, renewable energy source to the U.S. and reduce our GHG emissions. And third it’s national security, to bring home the men and women overseas trying to protect the flow of oil. You can listen to or download his remarks here: Rick Tolman Award Remarks

You will find much more coverage of the 2011 FEW over on our sister website, Domestic Fuel. Feel free to follow the Twitter hashtag, #FEW11 too.

2011 FEW Photo Album

Our coverage of the 2011 Fuel Ethanol Workshop is being made possible by the Renewable Fuels Association.

Ag Groups, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA