2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Good Morning Sunshine

Chuck Zimmerman

Good morning agrimarketing world. I hope you’re having a sunny start to the week. Ours is a little stormy here in mid Missouri but the sun was trying to pop out.

I just thought I’d take a moment to go geek on you. If you’re in the market for a good quality digital camera that fits in your pocket consider the Canon Powershot S95. They’re hard to get right now but if you can find one, you’ll like it. I used it for this photo while stopped at a red light this morning. What I’m liking about this camera includes the fact that I can manually adjust things like shutter speed, exposure and ISO. It also has low light settings and a better lens than you’ll find in most small point and shoots. Of course you can go fully automatic too. It also shoots video and saves as .mov files which are much more user friendly than the .avi files of my previous one.

Some of you are probably thinking, “Chuck usually has a big Nikon hanging off of him.” That’s true. But this one fits in my pocket and I plan to use it as much as I can. Between it and my iPhone I always have a camera on me. It’s hard to get a photo of something if you don’t have a camera, if you know what I mean.
