Corn Farmers Coalition Ads Target Lawmakers

Cindy Zimmerman

cornFor the third year in a row, the Corn Farmers Coalition (CFC) is targeting policy makers with information about the nation’s corn crop and the people who produce it.

The new ads highlighting corn farming families showed up this week all over Union Station, an important venue for reaching policymakers inside “The Beltway,” as well as in Capital Hill publications, radio, frequently used web sites, the Metro and Reagan National Airport.

“Even in the 21st Century, corn farming remains a family operation,” said Kansas Corn Commission Chairman Mike Brzon, a farmer from Courtland, Kan. “The family farmer growing corn for a hungry world isn’t a myth, but a critical economic engine for our country and it’s important that policy makers and influencers realize this.”

“Last year, we saw a good response to our positive and proactive efforts, and this year we have many new people inside the Beltway to educate,” said NCGA President Bart Schott of North Dakota. “As urban and suburban America gets further removed from the agricultural roots that made our nation strong, we’re saying it’s time again for everyone to come home to the farm.”

The coalition will also be meeting with media, members of Congress, environmental groups and others to talk about how U.S. farmers, using the latest technologies, will continue to expand yields and how this productivity can be a bright spot in an otherwise struggling economy. The combined effort will continue until Congress recesses in August.

Corn, NCGA