2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dr. Inge Russell Receives Alltech Medal of Excellence

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Inge RussellThis morning Dr. Inge Russell received the Alltech Medal of Excellence. She was presented the award on stage by Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech President, during the opening general session.

Professor Inge Russell is an accomplished researcher. Her work on the biotechnology and fermentation of yeast and algae has resulted in significant improvements in the production of feed, food, beverages, and fuel. She has over 100 publications and obtained Canada’s first patent for a genetically modified yeast specifically designed for biofuel production. She is a Professor at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.

This is the 21st year of the Medal of Excellence program.

Post Update:

I spoke with Dr. Russell after this morning’s program. You can hear her talk about the importance of Alzheimer’s research in my interview with her: Dr. Inge Russell Interview

Follow the action on the Alltech Innovations Blog, including photos, interviews and there will be live streaming of certain sessions.

2011 Alltech Symposium Photo Album

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