RFA Ethanol Podcast

Livestock Publications Council Design Workshop

Chuck Zimmerman

lpc-logo-smallIf you would like to improve your design skills then plan on attending the Livestock Publications Council June 16, Design Workshop (pdf). It will be held at the Metropolitan Community College-Penn Valley campus just south of downtown Kansas City from 8:30am to 4pm.

This workshop will be held in a computer lab and concentrate only on design so you will get true hands-on training. We are sure you will like the focus and the format! Sessions include:

The Newest on Adobe Creative Suite 5
Preparing files for output and proofing
Philosophy of design

Registration Fees: $70/members • $90/non-members • $125/on site • $40/students

Registration Deadline: June 3, 2011 After June 3, add $35 late fee to each registration.

Contact Diane Johnson for more information: dianej@flash.net