RFA Ethanol Podcast

Living The Country Life On An iPad

Chuck Zimmerman

Living The Country Life magazine is now available by subscription for the iPad! The cost is currently $7.95 for four issues.

Ideas and inspiration for your place in the country.

Living the Country Life magazine is America’s leading rural lifestyle magazine designed to provide ideas and inspiration to people who enjoy living in the country. Readers are passionate about their place in the country. Each issue features a beautiful place in the country and covers a wide variety of topics.

As an iPad person I am all for publishers making content available for our favorite consumption device. What do you think about the concept? The price? Would you like to see more ag publishers make their magazines available this way?

Post Update:

Sister publication Successful Farming is now also available electronically for the iPad. Subscription price is $15.95 for 13 issues. I have not viewed it but my understanding is that the March digital edition is sponsored exclusively by John Deere and features a number of interactive articles, videos, and enhanced advertisements.

Successful Farming magazine serves the diverse business, production, and family information needs of families who make farming and ranching their business. Our passion is to help readers make money, save time, and grow their satisfaction in the farming business. True to its name, Successful Farming magazine is all about success. Every issue is packed with ideas readers can take right to the field, barn, shop, and office to increase their profit and to position their farming business for growth and success in the competitive and global industry of agriculture.
