RFA Ethanol Podcast

Farmers At SXSW

Chuck Zimmerman

At the just completed SXSW, farmers and agriculture were very much a part of the discussion. For example, Emily Zweber, Jeff Fowle, Chris Chinn and Zach Hunnicutt shared “how farmers are using social and new media to bridge the gap between the 2% of the population who are farmers, and the remaining 98% of people who are not.” The panel was moderated by Marla Schulman. You can listen to it here: Agvocacy 2.0 Panel

There are other presentations which you can find online if you’d like to listen in that include one on “How Farmers Get Serious Business Done With Mobile.” You can find these on the SXSW website and some have been posted to the AgChat Foundation website. Farmers are getting involved and once again showing the world that they’re on the leading edge of technology. If farmers are your customers then hopefully you or someone on your staff is staying up to date!

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