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From The Lab To The Dinner Table

Chuck Zimmerman

Charlie ArnotGiving a keynote address to a Novus International luncheon for poultry industry scientists was Charlie Arnot, Center for Food Integrity. His remarks were titled “From The Lab To The Dinner Table.” He presented consumer trust research they conducted in 2010 that found out some very interesting things including the fact that it was the first time consumers have said their number one source of food information is the internet.

The research has been conducted by CFI since 2006. You can download a pdf of the 2010 summary on their website.

In 2010, CFI is taking its research to the next level, testing the trust model, messages and programs with specific consumer segments. The findings from this year‘s groundbreaking approach will provide guidance to CFI members and others on how we can specifically build trust with opinion leading consumers who drive social change.

Charlie told scientists that CFI research suggests new ways to convert scientific information into messages that will resonate with consumers. They’ve used that information to create tested messages which you can find on their website. For example, he suggests speaking to values first and then backing statements up with the science. Historically the ag science industry has tried the opposite approach. He hopes the attendees take away ideas for different way to engage the consumer. He gives some other specific examples in my interview with him: Interview with Charlie Arnot
2011 International Poultry Expo/International Feed Expo Photo Album

AgWired IPE/IFE coverage sponsored by: Novus

Animal Health, Audio, Food, Novus International, Poultry Expo