2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Smartphone Farming

Chuck Zimmerman

Smartphones. You know they’ve become part of farm life when you see educational sessions about them at a farm show. You also know that there are a lot choices. This is one gadget I get asked about and lectured on all the time. Probably more than any other device. So I thought I’d offer my two cents and hopefully start a debate. I think an upcoming ZimmPoll may address this too.

I’m an iPhone fan who wishes he could be an AT&T fan. This brings up a really important point. The device is important but so is the carrier you choose. AT&T is trying and I’ve had good support from them but they are weak in rural America. Verizon has much better coverage in these areas but doesn’t offer an iPhone, yet. That will change next month.

So what smart phone is best for the farm? Now there’s a loaded question. What do you want it to do? What local carrier options do you have? If you’ve got good AT&T then I’d suggest the iPhone. If not, and Verizon is better then I’d look at an Android phone. I just can’t really recommend a Blackberry although they’re great if all you want to do is make calls, text and email. Maybe this will change but for now I haven’t seen one that I would buy. Notice that I’m talking AT&T and Verizon. There are other carriers but either they burned their bridge with me (Sprint) or I don’t have much experience with them (Alltel, T-Mobile). Perhaps they are better where you are.

So let’s get back to phones. In the past, when you got a new phone you could pretty much pitch the old one away. Now, I’ve seen even first gen iPhone sell for good money. This device created a new standard and the rest are playing catch up. You can’t beat the apps and there are more of them than for any other device. So what else is there to choose from?

Let’s look at Android phones. Motorola makes several like the Droid X, Droid Pro and Droid 2 Global. HTC makes the Incredible. It seems like more apps are being made for this platform and it’s gaining traction. I’m considering getting one to replace my Verizon Mi-Fi since you can use some of them to create a mobile hotspot for other computers and still have a phone. Besides, I think it’s time to start trying out another platform just to see what it’s like. I asked followers on Twitter what their favorite android phone is and it looks like Droid versions came up big with the slogan tweeted, “Field tested, Farmer approved!”

But what about those new ones just around the corner? The iPhone 5? The HTC Thunderbolt? The Droid Bionic? I usually figure that if I need a tool and know it’s going to help my business then why wait? Of course, I’m also very impatient. Besides, today you can sell your phone and get something back to apply to the purchase of a new one. However, your personal financial situation will dictate what you can do. There are those pesky contract terms to deal with.

And what about 4G you might be saying. What about it? It’s coming but even when it does you’ve got to live in a major urban area to take advantage of it. Verizon will only be offering in selected major markets but promises nationwide coverage by 2013. AT&T is talking later this year. 4G will be great. I’ll upgrade when it happens.

So, to summarize, based on my personal experience, research and talking to users of many devices I would say go for an iPhone or Droid if you’re looking for a new smartphone. Just make sure you’ve got good local coverage! Your thoughts?

Equipment, Technology