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Jazz It Up At Ag Media Summit in 2011

Chuck Zimmerman

As we deal with cold why not think ahead to a warm New Orleans and an awesome Ag Media Summit? Here is some new information taken from the latest Livestock Publications Council newsletter. Thank you Diane!

The AMS program committee has been hard at work since the conclusion of the 2010 AMS and there are some exciting announcements of speakers who have been confirmed. We are taking a unique angle with this year’s keynote speaker at Tuesday’s luncheon and will hear from Ted Jackson who is a staff photographer for the New Orleans Times-Picayune. He paddled into the Lower Ninth Ward just after the levee broke and spent harrowing days in the devastation that followed, challenging himself both as a photographer and as a human being. He’s going to share his stories and images with us. According to program chairman, Steve Werblow, “We are in for an unforgettable look at Katrina and New Orleans that will touch us personally and professionally”. For some insight on Ted, click here.

Other news:

Ann Wylie is back! She is a dynamic and insightful writer and coach and will conduct four workshops on Monday.

Photographer Peter Krough will deliver two sessions on digital workflow management. The step after shooting a photo is knowing what to do with it and where to find it next. Krough is expert at every step of the process.

Other topics for the 2011 Jazz It Up Ag Media Summit are:

Measuring results in digital media.
Sales and marketing
“How-to” session on surveys and statistics
Ethics case study review
“Nuts and bolts” session with photography

These are just a few teasers to whet your appetite for AMS 2011! Have a topic you want more
information on? Let us know we might still have time to get them on the docket.

Ag Media Summit