2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Novus’ Green Acres is the Place to Be

Cindy Zimmerman

novus green acresNovus International’s Green Acres Farm is the place to be this Saturday when they hold a ribbon cutting at the facility in Montgomery City, Missouri. The ceremony will be followed by a Fall Festival with food, entertainment and fun activities for the whole family.

The research farm, located about an hour or so from Novus global headquarters in St. Charles, has been under development for over a year. Novus purchased and renovated the 15 acre farm to serve as a multi-functional facility that will allow for research on swine, poultry, ruminants and equine. Find out more about it from a tour John Davis took in April. At that time, Novus’ manager of product research Skip Hampton told John that the goal is to do real world research. “We’re trying to mimic things that are done in industry so it’s comparing apples to apples, to make sure that what’s relevant here is relevant in the industry.”

I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product myself, since Chuck saw it over a year ago when it was just getting started, and John in April when it was further along. For more information about the Ribbon Cutting and Fall Festival this Saturday from noon to 4 pm, contact Jill Mahoney at Novus.

Novus International, Research