…like they used to. I hear that same phrase muttered under the breath of house wives when it comes to washing machines and blenders, and the same from farmers when it comes to equipment. Things are made faster, cheaper, and don’t last as long as they used to. I think that’s to encourage continued consumer spending.
Take this bridge for example. I almost wandered around in the weeds to look for a “patent date” marked on it because I’m quite sure it was built in the early 1900s. A century-old bridge. We celebrate century-old farms, and today I marvel that a bridge can last this long. The next thought that went through my head was – how do combines get over this bridge? I guess they don’t. They just take the other way around.
There’s a story that goes along with this bridge. It involves a kitten, blanket and an old-school cooler that we couldn’t get the lid off of. I’ll save that story for another time.
Until we walk again…