The annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention is only a few weeks away. I hope you’re registered. If you’ve got your geek on then plan to attend my session on Wed. afternoon from 1:15 to 2:00 pm. I’m doing, “Tech Savvy – The Latest and Greatest Tools for Broadcasters.” I’m pretty sure we’ll be going beyond the microphone.
Technology has changed. Did you know that? LOL. So, as part of the overall professional improvement content for the convention I’ll be showcasing some of the latest tools of the trade. We will undoubtedly have some you’ve never seen. As an added bonus, these items and product literature will be on display during the convention in the news room. And as an even bigger bonus, most of these items will be given away as door prizes at different times and we may even have some in the NAFB Foundation auction!
This is a first time effort so I’ve got some questions for you. Can you forward me any particular brand/model/contact info you may have to send a product request to? I’ve already sent many of them but I’m sure I haven’t covered all companies out there. What type of equipment are you most interested in? What equipment would help you do your job better? Just send me an email if you can. Thanks.