World Outlook For Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

Our kick-off speaker at the NAMA Trends In Agriculture conference this afternoon was Mark Pearson, Market To Market. Mark is a lot of things, including farmer and stockbroker in addition to his hosting of the tv show. He was here to talk about what he sees as trends in agribusiness which means looking forward but also backward.

Mark looks at the general world economic outlook which he thinks is strengthening nicely. He also thinks commodity markets are a key element in the outlook. He says we’re in a bull market for corn, soybeans and wheat. In other words, “the world is coming to the United States to be fed.” Then thirdly, he looks at what’s happening with livestock, especially in light of factors like ethanol which he thinks has a very uncertain future. He mentions what’s happened to biodiesel as a precursor to what may happen to the ethanol sector. He also talks about international markets like China and now a look to Africa which is being seen as a real potential growth market. For marketers he also points to the changes in communications technology as a factor to keep in mind when you look at how and where farmers are getting their information. He doesn’t know too many successful farmers who don’t carry a Blackberry or iPhone!

You can listen to my interview with Mark here: Mark Pearson Interview

Photos are being collected in my NAMA Trends In Agriculture Photo Album

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