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Support NAFB Foundation

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a call out for support of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Foundation. You can donate an item to the annual auction at the NAFB Convention or just send cash!

Generous donations in past years have helped provide financial support and educational opportunities for young people in pursuit of careers in agricultural communications. Each year, six college students – three scholarship recipients and three station and network interns – directly benefit from your kindness and care for the future of the industry.

In addition to this important work of supporting these future agricultural communicators, the Foundation Board is also currently working on new ways to supply funding for stations and networks who would like to increase their voice for advocacy of agriculture.

Please fill out and submit the contribution form found here (pdf) at your earliest convenience to contribute to this great cause and wonderful event. If you have any questions, please contact the NAFB office at 816.431.4032 or send an email to