2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Iowa Corn Growers Excited for Game Day

Joanna Schroeder

The rain couldn’t dampen spirits as nearly 100 VIP Iowa Corn growers had the opportunity of a lifetime to experience football weekend from the inside of University of Iowa’s Kinnick Stadium. The Iowa Corn Growers Association and the Iowa Corn Promotion Board held a VIP reception on the media floor of University of Iowa’s Kinnick Stadium where they learned about what goes into making a college football game happen. In this case, the big game tomorrow is Iowa State versus Iowa.

They also had the opportunity to hear from former University of Iowa player, Lew Montgomery, part of the 1991 Rose Bowl team.

Iowa Corn Fed Game Day, a promotion designed to educate consumers about the role Iowa corn farmers play in producing our food and fuel, is actually a sponsorship of the Iowa versus Iowa State football game, basketball game and wrestling matches. Iowa Corn has been traveling around the state holding events and telling consumers about the more than 4,000 products that contain corn. My favorite product so far – hairspray.

Although there were more red Iowa State shirts in the building then the Iowa athletic staff anticipated, they took it all in good cheer as they personally thanked the corn growers for their support of Iowa athletics, but more importantly, their dedication to growing America’s food.

Following the brief presentation, new ICGA President Dean Taylor, a grower from Prairie City Iowa, said a few words. He thanked the University of Iowa for their hospitality and making the reception possible. He also mentioned that the Iowa Corn Fed Game Day sponsorship reflects what a great relationship ICGA, Iowa State and University of Iowa have and what an important role the partnership plays in helping educate consumers about food and fuel.

You can see pictures from the event in the Iowa Corn Fed Game Day photo album.

Corn, Ethanol, Events, Video