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Pioneer Hi-Bred Introduces Refuge In Corn Made Simple

Chuck Zimmerman

Bill BelzerThe media were very much in attendance at the Pioneer Hi-Bred Crop Technology Field day held in Carrollton, MO. Here’s Janet Adkinson, KMZU, doing a live interview with Bill Belzer, Senior Marketing Manager, Corn, Pioneer Hi-Bred. I had my turn after his presentation at our first field day tour stop. Our subject was “refuge” and in case you don’t know what that means in row crop farming don’t worry. Bill explains it.

Bill had some great charts at his field classroom stop to show current refuge planting strategies compared to using the new Optimum AcreMax 1 insect protection which received EPA approval earlier this year. It is an in-the-bag solution that reduces the traditional 20 percent corn rootworm refuge in half. It’s makes it easier and increases flexibility for the planting of corn borer refuge.

You can listen to my interview with Bill here: Bill Belzer Interview

2010 Pioneer Hi-Bred Crop Technology Field Day Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Pioneer