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Corn Agronomy Lesson

Chuck Zimmerman

Scott DickeyNot all corn comes out of the ear looking like you want it to. Sometimes there are factors affecting the kernel production that might yield some surprises. At the Pioneer Hi-Bred Crop Technology Field day held in Carrollton, MO, Scott Dickey, Area Agronomist, did a little show and tell. He had some ears of corn that looked good and were what you expected from a test plot and then in the buckets he had some that didn’t turn our quite as well.

He asked farmers what they thought would cause this type of problem and had one farmer suggest the correct one, at least according to his findings. It happened to be surfactant application. Listen to Scott explain this during his presentation here: Scott Dickey Presentation

2010 Pioneer Hi-Bred Crop Technology Field Day Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Pioneer