2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Games Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s one way to get your employees excited about an upcoming promotion. Create your own holiday.

It’s official. Alltech has named July 9th “Alltech Games Day.” In anticipation of the largest sporting event to come to the United States since the 2002 Winter Olympics, Dr. Pearse Lyons, president and founder of Alltech, has announced that all 120 Alltech offices located worldwide will be celebrating a day of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.

Twenty-three hundred employees from around the globe will celebrate Alltech Games Day by dressing in Games apparel and buttons. Along with having a dress down day at the office, each employee will take one hour out of their work day to call and invite customers, friends and family to the Games.  That time is equal to more than 287 work days worth of time spent on inviting contacts.
