RFA Ethanol Podcast

Dairy Solutions Symposium 2010

Chuck Zimmerman

This is where I’ll be this week. The Netherlands and the Dairy Solutions Symposium put on by Alltech and the Centre for Animal Nutrition. It will be held at Utrecht University on Thursday and Friday. Most of my posting will be on World Dairy Diary.

Rumen health is of critical importance for efficient transformation of dairy cows diets into nutrients. As such it is a major cause of economic losses in the dairy industry and important in maintaining the health and welfare of the animal.

This two day symposium, Rumen Health: A 360 degree Analysis, aims to bring together leading scientists in dairy nutrition to discuss a variety of topics including the impact of rumen pH on ruminal digestion, occurrence and prevention of sub-acute rumen acidosis, maintenance of an optimum rumen function and Ruminal adaptations during the transition period.

For you Twitter fans and I know there are a lot of you in the dairy business, follow the conference hashtag: #AlltechDSS

Alltech, Dairy, International