2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Very Social Media And Cooperative Communicators

Chuck Zimmerman

We had a lively discussion on social media today at the Cooperative Communications Association 2010 Institute. Thank you to one of the participants for snapping a photo and to CCA for inviting me to present.

One of the points I brought up was that in my opinion blogs are more relevant today than ever. In fact, I view them as the hub of the social media wheel or perhaps the workhorse of social media. Let’s face it. Blog is a dumb and boring word but it is a powerful tool. You can sure communicate more on a blog post than you can on a tweet. My blog posts “feed” out to all my other social media mechanisms in some way or another. This allows my visitors, subscribers, followers, fans, friends and contacts to get my information whenever and wherever they want. I’ve learned that different people have different social media preferences and I try to satisfy them all.

So, there you have it. One little tidbit from today’s session. Let me know if you’ve got questions or would like a presentation of your own.
