send news release today

First Annual NAFB Lake Girls Retreat

Cindy Zimmerman

lake girlsThe 1st Annual NAFB Lake Girls Retreat was held this past weekend at the lovely home of the incomparable Sara Wyant and Al Johnson of Agri-Pulse.

Some of you may remember that a group of gals who are NAFB old-timers got together and bought the weekend at Al and Sara’s up for bid at the NAFB Foundation auction last fall. That included myself, Cyndi Young and Anita Vanderwert (both with Brownfield), Cindy Cunningham (Pork Board), Sally Behringer (Nicholson-Kovac), Janet Adkinson (KMZU-Carrollton, Mo.), and Robin Loftin (Southeast Agnet).

Unfortunately, Cindy C and Robin were unable to make it at the last minute, but we invited Meghan Grebner with WIRL in Peoria to join us and we all had a fabulous time — even without any sunshine. The weather was crappy, but the company was wonderful.

lake girlsSara and Al were very gracious hosts and showed us a great time at the Lake. We were able to take the boat out on Saturday and have lunch at Shorty Pants, a drink in Paradise and dinner at The Fish. It was all quite marvelous and only the weather could have been better.

There are more photos posted on Facebook pages of those who were there. We’d love to do it again, if Sara and Al put it up for NAFB auction again, but there are lots of others who have already said they want to go with us next year (girls only! Sorry guys… although Al would like some company). Sally says, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat!”

Thanks Al and Sara for a wonderful weekend and for your support of the NAFB Foundation!