2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Sings At International Dinner

Chuck Zimmerman

Alltech SymposiumThe Alltech 26th International Animal Health and Nutrition Industry Symposium got underway this evening with the International Dinner. This may be the 26th Symposium but it’s the celebration of 30 years since Alltech was founded by Dr. Pearse Lyons.

Once again this year Dr. Everett McCorvey, Professor of Voice at the University of Kentucky Opera Theatre, introduced some wonderful voices to sing for us. You can listen to one of the songs below.

The audience also got into the act on a couple of songs like “My Old Kentucky Home” and “Molly Malone.”

I’ve updated the photo album and we’ll get started at 9am with our first general session. So until then . . .

2010 Alltech Symposium Photo Album

Alltech, Audio, Uncategorized